"Out of all of the many systems of divination that I’ve studied and even been certified in, Advanced Quantum Numerology is by far the most stunningly accurate. I’ve discovered life patterns, core personality, relationship understanding, and life purpose truths about myself I wasn’t shown in the other systems." - Kristen Valus
Advanced Numerology:
The Science of Egyptian Astro-Numerology
Combining Astrology, Numerology, and Ancient Egyptian Archetypes to release karmic patterns, decode your destiny, and unlock the alchemy codes for manifestation. For Personal and Professional Use.
If you are looking for a precise system to answer your biggest questions, this is it!
Advanced Quantum Numerology can help you:
+ Discover your detailed personality chart
+ Interpret your personal path to ending karmic patterns
+ Evaluate relationship contracts between friends, family, business partnerships, and lovers
+ Predictions: Find out when you might marry, divorce, have children, move, meet the person of your dreams, travel, and so much more!
+ Learn to apply Advanced Numerology in business to make a big impact as a highly paid Numerologist
Advanced Quantum Numerology is open to anyone. While a background in Quantum Numerology Foundations, other numerology programs or an understanding of basic astrology is beneficial, it is not required to join this course. Everything you need to learn Advanced Numerology is included in this comprehensive 1 year course. By the end of the year you will feel confident delivering readings for fun or in service as a professional reader.

With the Book of Life you will find that you are connected to a card. There are 53 cards in the Book of Life, all Divine codes that outline every relationship, every potential, and your pathway to living Karma-free. These cards are sorted into 4 kingdoms of influence: Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, and Hearts. Which one are you?
Find My Card
Learn to Forecast Events
You will learn everything you need to know to pinpoint the types of events, blessings, challenges, and breakthroughs that are possible. Learn to predict events from any point in time (Past, Present, or Future).

Discover the Deeper Meaning in Your Relationships
Everyone is in your life for a reason. Learn to uncover the deeper meaning for why and how to interpret so that you can support breakthroughs, blessings and important endings.

Personal Mentorship
Work with Joy and her team directly to develop your skills, ask questions and deepen your learning. This course is a 1 year interactive journey with lifetime access to coaching and support, an extensive library of trainings to grow with, and live trainings to build your skills at an advanced level.
We Begin January 2024!
"Being aware of the energies and being able to look at your life spread gave me so much compassion for myself and others. This was an absolute life changer and I feel that if everyone was aware of these things, the world would be a better place. People would be more in unity with themselves and therefore the universe." - Leah Elliot
Advanced Numerology
The Book of Life
Course Agenda
MONTH ONE: INITIATION Discover the System, the "Book of Life"
- Call #1: "Getting Started" Workshop 1: Your Chart, The Cards, The Spreads, Weekly Forecast
- Homework: Practice Forecasting
5-15 Mins Daily + 1 Hour Weekly
MONTH TWO: HEARTS Opening Up to the Deeper Truths of the System
- Call 1: Understanding the Life & Spirit Spread
- Call 2: Unlocking Your Birthchart
- Homework: Video Training
1 Hour Weekly
MONTH THREE: CLUBS Understanding the System
- Call 1: Understanding Your Cards for Life
- Call 2: Your Decanate Ruler & Prepping for Contracts
- Homework: Video Training
1 Hour Weekly
MONTH FOUR: DIAMONDS Physical Expression of the System
- Workshop 1: Learning the Contracts (3 days, date TBD)
- Workshop 2: Mechanics of a Reading for Coaches, Intuitives and Healers (2 Hours, date TBD)
- Call 1: Interpreting Contracts for Existing Biz
- Call 2: Interpreting Contracts for Existing Family or Love
- Homework: Video Training
1 Hour Weekly
MONTH FIVE: SPADES Taking the System Higher
- Call 1: Interpreting Contracts for Potential New Partners/Lovers
- Call 2: Bring Contracts Back to Self
- Homework: Video Training
1 Hour Weekly
MONTH SIX: CERTIFICATION Integrating What You've Learned
- Call 1: Do I Need the Software?
- Call 2: What's My Business Funnel?
- Homework: Video Training
1 Hour Weekly
All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Intuitive Numerology Business
- This course is designed for those who want to help others understand, health and prosper in their lifepath, business, or relationships.
- This course is for you if you would like to offer detailed intuitive readings that are mind-blowingly accurate!
- This course is for you if you would like to support yourself or your clients in reaching goals/intentions faster, in flow, and without stress.
- This course is for you if you would like to help people clear their limiting beliefs and karma so they can thrive and co-create with the Universe.
- This course is for you if your curiosity has pulled you into this work, you can't get enough of the numbers, and you are looking for a fun way to fall in love with your life.
What can I do with this training?
You will be able to offer readings 1:1 to clients, create multi-week, month or year long coaching programs, or create a healing plan to compliment other modalities. Your clients will invest $300-500 for an individual reading and upwards of $10,000 for a year of support.
What if I do not have or want a Business?
You may decide to start a business as a coach, intuitive reader or healer. However, you may also decide you want to keep this for yourself, friends and family. No matter what you decide our community of mentors will support you in getting the information, tools and ideas you need to take this training anywhere you choose. The options are limitless and the potential learning is lifetime.
What if I cannot make all of the calls or they are outside of my timezone?
We have done our best to plan calls to serve our growing international community. We provide replays for all of our live calls and schedule our live calls to meet the needs of most students. As the community grows we continue to add calls at new times. The community is warm and inviting with a lot of support and people you can connect with based on your schedule and needs. You can reach out to us anytime during training for additional support. Your success is top of mind for us. If you would like to be connected to one of our current or past students to learn more about the support we provide please email [email protected]
"Quantum Numerology was fun and expansive to learn. When I first began, I thought it would take forever to remember all of the details, but as the weekly modules continued, I found my body waking to a remembering within that began expanding my intuition around the numbers.
My curiosity grew.
My interest in numbers grew.
My passion for using this information in my life and business grew.
There was a much potential and possibility opening up in such a short time. I recommend this course whether you simply want to know more about yourself and how the energy influences of the numbers play a roll in all we are or you desire to incorporate numerology into your business offerings- learning with Joy is a must!"
- Michele Laine, https://www.michelelaine.com

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