Hello, I'm Joy Kingsborough.
Numerology is a mysterious system that appears - on the surface - to be about personality. When you dive into its rich roots in ancient esoteric teaching you discover a 2000+ year old system of clearing karma and activating purpose. It looks like magic, but its really the math underlying alchemy. Nothing has touched my life and healing as deeply as numbers.
Numerology helped me recover after years of suffering with depression. I couldn't find meaning and felt lost, overwhelmed, and stuck in a life I didn't love. During a powerful healing ceremony with a shaman I received a vision of my birthcard with detailed messages of healing and forgiveness. After the ceremony I continued to see numbers everywhere. They were guiding me to learn more. I studied everything I could get my hands on, worked with several mentors, and then began connecting directly with the numbers in meditations and channeled messages. It wasn't long before I had unlocked the secrets to my purpose and a deeper connection to my higher self that I had been longing for. After 100s of readings I was guided to mentor other coaches, healers and intuitive leaders to help share the wisdom of numerology in a bigger way. Together, with our students, we are on a mission to bring numerology into the mainstream to assist humanity during these times of mass awakening.
Join me in unlocking this ancient alchemical system for yourself or share it with others. Select from the foundational teachings or jump into the original astro-numerology based on ancient Egyptian teachings.
PS: My Ruling # is 9 and my Birthcard is 3 of Spades